
Moving Beautifully in Football

Sunday, September 14, 2014

At the invitation of the Head of the FA Medical Education, Mike Healy, Joanne delivered two dynamic lectures to athlete preparation and sports medicine professionals at the FA's National Game conference in June.

Alongside paediatric specialist physiotherapist Sid Ahamed and the always electrifying Kelvin Giles, Joanne rocked out two football specific lectures to give an insight into integrated movement training to the audience, who found it a lot more physical than they expected!

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Second edition in Swedish!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

April this year saw Joanne launching the second edition of her book, with accompanying video, in Sweden with SISU Idrottsbokker.

It was a great group of coaches, therapists, educators and interested public being introduced to functional force management and moving beautifully. We are excited to have launched the video resource, featuring both Joanne and Kent. A new experience for us!

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Stability, Sport and Performance Movement Second Edition

Sunday, September 14, 2014

We are delighted that the second edition of Joanne’s popular book, released in August of 2013, has been wonderfully well received in the UK and abroad.

We have had some wonderful emails from people to tell us how the book has helped them to better understand their bodies, and how they have used the tests and exercises to help themselves.

Physiotherapists have also been telling us that they use the book almost daily with their patients, as it is easy to build balanced programmes for any body using the progressive chapters.

Thanks to everyone for their feedback: Joanne is hard at work to create more resources to help you to move beautifully.

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Shoulders, Posture and Walking Beautifully at Therapy Expo

Sunday, September 14, 2014

In her typical interactive style, Joanne lit up the audience with some easy tips and insights into building “Sustainable Shoulders for Life” this past weekend in Manchester for Therapy Expo 2014.

To round off the day, both Joanne and Kent took an eager group of rehabilitation professionals through “Effortless Self Carriage: Ease and Balance over the Ground”, finding that even the professionals benefited from a little help in moving more beautifully!

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JEMS and the Pilates Foundation

Friday, March 22, 2013

At the invitation of the Pilates foundation, Joanne and JEMS team Kent Fyrth and Andy Nice introduced a full group of enthusiastic Pilates teachers to the natural movement philosophy and techniques of JEMS. Just a few of the feedback comments that have come in:

"Like breathing fresh air"; "I enjoyed every minute of both days"; "I have gained great insight"; "My clients will love this!";
"The course was brilliant --I have a completely new set of standards to work from, personally and for my clients". "A standout!

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New book translation!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Joanne's book on foundation movement training for children was first published in Swedish in 2011, and has just been released in Norwegian. Joanne will soon be at work on the much requested english version.

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New JEMS Certified Practitioners Sweden/UK

Thursday, October 4, 2012

September has produced a new crop of JEMS Certified Rehabilitation Practitioners! Seven more practitioners in the UK and a further five in Sweden passed a rigorous exam to emerge triumphant. We are proud of them all.

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Joanne at the England Athletics National Conference

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A large and enthusiastic group of coaches was treated to a highly engaging presentation from Joanne on force management and movement efficacy at the High Performance Athletics Centre in Birmingham last weekend.

The conference, entitled “After the Games – where next after the Olympic and Paralympic Games?” gave coaches the opportunity to hear experts on jumps, throws and running, with the day beginning with Joanne’s keynote lecture. Participants may have been surprised to be exploring a variety of activities themselves as part of the lecture, but it certainly got them off to a flying start to the day, having experimented with warm up elements, balance and mobility ideas.

"Thank you so much for Sunday, the buzz since has been sensational. It was great to have the coaches active and actually taking part, it has really set them alight. The principles and efficiency of movement are the very essence of our sport and our coaches need to better understand how to identify, correct and/ or improve them to help performances. Your workshop was so easy to understand and made this accessible to our coaches." Matt Foad, England Athletics

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New JEMS Certified Practitioners in London

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joanne is delighted to announce the success of twelve physiotherapists as they passed their examination to become JEMS Certified Rehabilitation Practitioners.

Examiners enjoyed some excellent presentations from candidates as they demonstrated their grasp of Joanne's concepts and techniques, and the candidates themselves told us that the experience had expanded their practice, their personal and their professional development. Congratulations to all involved!

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Feeling the Force at a London Sports Medicine conference

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joanne presented her dynamic approach to analysing sports movement at the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Sport (ACPSM) annual conference, alongside the Pre Wimbledon conference of the International Science and Medicine in Tennis conference. Joanne took the audience on an exploration of a range of sports including judo, tennis, golf and kayak as she illustrated her unique movement concepts.

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Joanne presents at the Pilates Foundation AGM in London

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

At the invitation of the Pilates Foundation, Joanne presented two exciting JEMS workshops for professional Pilates teachers at the biggest of their annual events in London this month.

“Moving Beautifully for Life, Sport and Art” was a practical introductory exploration of JEMS principles for Pilates teachers who wish to extend their professional development in the direction of movement enhancement in their clients, and who want to more deeply understand the broader science and art of analysing and working with movement in daily life, sport or rehabilitation.

With enthusiasm and insight, participants challenged their concept of natural movement as they investigated function and fluency's “lost movements”, and learned simple, effective cues to open up new possibilities.

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JEMS Scores with the FA

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Joanne and the JEMS team spent last weekend educating professional football physiotherapists in JEMS for Football at the invitation of the Football Association (FA).

Movement testing has become an accepted procedure in sport, but Joanne challenged the audience to test the relevance of their test choices to football performance and injury prevention, before demonstrating key movement components and how to address them practically, realistically and systematically.

The course was a hit with an enthusiastic and hard working audience of dedicated sports professionals, most of whom have gone home with new muscle patterns, some unfamiliar aches and an array of visual analysis skills to apply with young developing footballers.

JEMS would like to thank the FA for the opportunity to share Joanne’s work with the people committed to developing the professional athletes of tomorrow.

“…the most positive feedback we have had from any IST event I can recall in 11 years.” Mike Healy, Head of Medical Education for the Football Association.

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Rocking the Fitness Industry in Stockholm

Monday, November 21, 2011

This week Joanne has been presenting at the 2000 delegate-strong convention for Friskiis and Svettis, the largest group exercise organisation in Scandinavia.

With delegates from many European countries attending, this is was the biggest convention that Friskii and Svettis has held, and a light popping, music pumping, high octane affair it turned out to be.

Joanne was asked to present on stability, and in typical fashion turned it on its head by demonstrating that the industry’s concept of stability has lost the point, becoming an isolated commodity that had little to do with moving effectively. She exposed the misunderstandings and misapplications that have become rife as a result of the “stability industry” that has developed in recent years, and delighted her audiences with the cues and concepts that can be used in any group exercise situation to the elicit effective muscle patterning that leads to “beautiful movement”.

Several hundred participants attended the workshops, and threw themselves into exploring new possibilities for fun and challenge, while experiencing the essence of quality in everything they did. By the end, they took away the theme that “it ain’t what you do but the way that you do it” so that everyone can be helped to move a little more beautifully.

Find out more on the link below...

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Mel Reid wins Open de Espana Feminino

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mel has been continuing in excellent form by winning her third Ladies European tour victory. She won by a shot and which puts her into second position on the Order of Merit.

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Matthew Barley and Viktoria Mullova at the Proms!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Elphinston Performance is celebrating Matthew Barley and Viktoria Mullova at the 2011 Proms, where they shimmered in the debut of Thomas Larcher's concerto and then blazed in their own late night Prom, which showcased their latest project, The Peasant Girl.

Joanne: "Matthew and Viktoria constantly inspire me with their passion, constant exploration of themselves as musicians and dedication to keeping their bodies as tuned as their instruments."

"It was crossover at its best. No compromise. Total musicianship."The Arts Desk.

Listen to this -- it will get you moving!

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JEMS for Pilates Teachers at Scott Studio

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our recent JEMS course for Pilates Instructors, “The Journey to Beautiful Movement” stimulated a rich exploration of the connections and contradictions between the holistic aims of Pilates teachers for their clients, the actual methodology they frequently use, and their influences upon their clients' movement.

Organised by the Scott Studio in Castle Cary, the course led an insightful and experienced group of Pilates teachers to experience themselves, their approach and their expectations in a new way, and opened them to the potential of creating natural, beautiful movement by harmonizing their Pilates training with JEMS techniques and cueing.

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Joanne's latest book is on training for children

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Commissioned and produced by SISU Idrottsbocker of Sweden, Joanne's latest book and DVD is a simple but effective educational tool for anyone interested in working with children through movement.

Translated into Swedish, "Bastraning for Barn" illustrates the simple foundation elements that underpin future movement development in children, and shows that it can be fun and easy for children to learn and understand.

Joanne: "The challenge was shooting the DVD -- I had a group of young Swedish speaking children who had never met me before, and one day to shoot it! I like that the children have not had any prior training though -- it shows quite clearly what physical issues can be expected within a normal population of children, and how they can be addressed with simple enjoyable tasks.

My next challenge is producing the English version!"

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An MBE for Michaela Breeze!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Elphinston Performance is delighted to be celebrating the MBE awarded to long time client Michaela Breeze for her service to sport.

Former double Commonwealth Champion, Olympic weightlifter Michaela competed in both the Athens and Beijing Olympics, and has overcome adversity with courage to achieve great success. She continues to inspire a new generation of weight lifters with her professionalism and deep understanding of the sport.

Michaela, we salute you!

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Joanne and Kent at the International Natural Health Summit

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hosted by the Australian Traditional Medicine Society at Olympic Park, Sydney, the International Natural Health Summit was an inspiring speaking experience for both Joanne and Kent.

Kent presented on the the physiological connections between emotion and physical symptoms, and methods based on Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing model for managing patients who react emotionally during or as a result of treatment.

Joanne's presentation on Beautiful Movement put "core stability" back in its place and created an electric buzz as she led the audience through a series of self explorations to illustrate some of the biomechanical, sensory and neuromuscular concepts underpinning sound, expressive functional movement.

"Sharing our work with this diverse audience of holistic and traditional medicine practitioners was a richly satisfying experience for us both. This audience was open yet discerning, able to creatively make connections to their own work and willing to explore themselves as well. We are very grateful to have been a part of this conference."

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Catriona Morrison wins the 2011 Ironman 70.3 Texas

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

EP client Catriona has posted a strong win in Texas against an impressive field of top triathlon competitors from around the world.

In a time of 4:06:43, Catriona took the women's race, which also served as the US Professional Championship.

Cat is no stranger to winning, taking the Lanzarote Ironman, St Croix 70.3, TriGrandPrix Basque Country and ITU World Duathlon Championshps in 2010.

Joanne and Cat have been working on running style along with Cat's physiotherapist, Jane Gilks, and we're thrilled to see how this dedicated athlete has applied the training!

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Joanne on Sprints for England Athletics

Sunday, February 20, 2011

England Athletics kindly invited Joanne to present her work to their sprint coaches as part of their excellent coach education programme. Joanne's book, "Stability, Sport and Performance Movement" is a key recommended text for coaches in the England Athletics programme, and this was an ideal opportunity to work face to face with a talented and committed group of coaches.

"Finding the Springs" was the topic for the day, and Joanne focused on training for an elastic, robust sprinter. Her clinical experience has indicated that many of the injured or non-performing athletes who have come through her door were often strong, but not able to access their "biological springs". Their focus is so much on control that they often block their own capacity for explosive movement, increasing their own internal resistance in the process.

Key topics were the movement and neuromuscular patterning strategies that contribute to Achilles and hamstring injury, and how to "take the hand brake off" to enable fluent, efficient movement.

Joanne took the group through simple drills, cues and exercises to address the critical elements involved in movement development for running, and several participants found muscles and movement that they didn't know they had!

Keep an eye out for the DVD which was recorded on the day ...

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Joanne brings "JEMS for Golf" to the Celtic Manor Resort

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Joanne has just completed a series of three progressive "JEMS for Golf" seminars with a group of experienced coaches invited by the Golfing Union of Wales.

Former Walker Cup winner and Director of Player Performance and Coaching, Nigel Edwards, has a first hand understanding of Joanne's injury prevention and performance work having been a long term client himself, and he has been keen for this unique approach to be brought to the Welsh national coaches. He is delighted with " the excitement and enthusiasm of the coaches, and the buzz after each session".

The coaches were equipped with problem solving skills to assist with analysis of swing faults, and simple solutions for common presentations. There was a lot of myth busting, as Joanne pulled apart many of the common golf beliefs and trends, exposing them as "band aids" based on errors in sport science application which fail to address the core issues.

The coaches themselves have been brilliant, working with the material with insight and dedication.

"I thought it was fantastic - it has made it a lot easier to change things with a swing where I have struggled before."

"This was one of the best courses I have attended."

"Having this knowledge allows me to to explain better and come up with new solutions to overcome swing problems."

The Golfing Union of Wales is keen to continue with the development and integration of JEMS into their coach and player development programmes.

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The Holistic Functional Approach in Melbourne

Monday, January 10, 2011

December saw Kent and Joanne back in Melbourne, working with its enthusiastic community of health and fitness professionals.

Hosted by Sam Rigby of Elite Myotherapy and introduced by Rob Granter of the Victorian Institute of Sport and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Kent and Joanne delivered a pair of lectures designed to illustrate the integration of mind, emotions, body, function and environment.

Kent introduced the audience to the effects of emotion on physiology and physical function, and how these may influence patient presentation and treatment planning. Strategies for the therapist or fitness professional to consider when bringing the patient or client to a balanced, receptive state were discussed, making the participants more aware of assessing arousal levels and taking a more self aware and structured approach to modulating them.

Joanne picked up on these themes and extended them into clinical problem solving using a holistic functional approach. Using real case illustrations, she led the audience through an exploration of the effect of a patient's beliefs and arousal level, their force management strategies and biomechanics, their function, environment and history on their presentation, and how clear treatment pathways can be identified and applied in a logical, reasoned manner.

Some lively discussions followed, as participants recognised aspects of their own clients and even themselves in the presented case studies!

Many thanks to Sam and her team for their warm welcome and enthusiasm.

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JEMS (Joanne Elphinston Movement Systems) for Dancers: Joanne works with young dancers

Monday, November 22, 2010

October was a busy month, and at the request of one of the major Performing Arts colleges in Stockholm, Joanne managed to squeeze in an afternoon workshop with forty young dancers aged 15-17.

The dancers were inquisitive, energetic and exploratory, and Joanne guided them through new postural and movement experiences based on JEMS principles, as well as testing them on some fundamental but often missed necessities to prevent injury and improve performance.

It was an afternoon full of energy, debate and discovery, and Joanne enjoyed the dancers as much as they enjoyed her.

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Movement for Kids: Joanne shoots a new DVD

Monday, November 22, 2010

Joanne was back in Stockholm in October with an enthusiastic group of seven year olds to shoot a DVD on movement development games for children.

SISU Idrottsbocker, the publishing arm of the Swedish Sports Confederation, asked Joanne to design a series of activities for coaches to use with children aged 6-12. Joanne has created a fun and motivating DVD covering the fundamental building blocks of movement, using simple equipment and activities that can be delivered to groups of children.

The kids had never done any of these things before, so they loved the new experiences, and the opportunity to be "movie stars"!

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Emotions and Pain: Kent lectures as the Scottish Physiofirst Conference

Monday, November 22, 2010

This month Kent presented at the national conference for Scottish physiotherapists in private practice, delivering a fascinating lecture entitled "Pain and Dysfunction: the Emotional Connection".

After a review of the physiological aspects of the experience of emotions, Kent walked the delegates through the body's range of responses to trauma and chronic stress, and the symptoms that they might recognise in their patients. These symptoms arise quite commonly, and Kent's aim was to help clinicians to understand them and know how to adapt their treatment plans accordingly, as well as when to refer the patient for psychological support. The lecture provoked much discussion, as well as quite a few personal insights.

Kent will be off to Australia in December to deliver another lecture on the topic at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.

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Sprinting Silver for Christian

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Despite the problems with the track surface, Christian Malcolm has brought a Commonwealth silver medal home for the 200m.

EP is delighted to celebrate Christian's return to form this year.

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Commonwealth Silver for Michaela in Delhi

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Michaela Breeze completed an 18 year career in international weight lifting with a well earned silver medal at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi.

One of the great ambassadors for athlete professionalism and sportsmanship, Michaela has overcome adversity this year to take her place on the podium.

Elphinston Performance is proud to have been able to support this charismatic athlete.

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Melissa Reid turns in another great performance

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August saw Mel in Ireland for the AIB Ladies Irish Open, where she shot a consistent 10 under par to claim 4th place. She then repeated the performance by coming in a tied second at the S4C Wales Championship with a 3 under par score. A pretty successful month by anyone's reckoning!

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Christian Malcolm at the Europeans

Monday, August 2, 2010

Congratulations to Christian Malcolm, who achieved a silver medal in the 200m at the European Championships last week in Barcelona. Christian had a brilliant run and was edged out by only 0.01 right on the line by in- form French sprinter Christophe Lemaitre.

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Michaela breezes into first place at British Weightlifting National Championships

Monday, July 26, 2010

Congratulations to Michaela Breeze, who is on the come back trail in her preparations for the weightlifting event at the Commonwealth Games in India later this year.

A gold medallist at the Manchester and Melbourne Games, Michaela is keen to defend her title, and has started this last phase of preparation with an excellent victory at the British Weightlifting Championships last month.

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Swedish National Sports and Orthopaedic Medicine Conference 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Joanne has had a busy time over this past month with conferences, and all of them have been rewarding and enjoyable experiences. The Swedish National Sports and Orthopaedic Medicine Conference was no exception, with an excellent panel of presenters and an enthusiastic audience.

Joanne's workshops filled within ten days of the first notification in 2009, so she had a very keen collection of physiotherapists to work with on global and local assessment and treatment interactions for the shoulder. Joanne's approach using neurosensory modelling demonstrates the importance of understanding and working with the whole body when rehabilitating the shoulder, so that it can develop adequate support and normal mechanics.

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Matt Upson for England

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Great news for Matthew Upson as his selection for the England World Cup team was announced today.

The team at Elphinston Performance wish him well for the 2010 campaign!

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International Science and Medicine in Tennis Conference

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

May 20th saw Joanne in the pretty Swedish coastal town of Bastad for the International Science and Medicine in Tennis conference. Joanne presented at this conference when it was held in London in 2003, and for 2010 she was asked to come back and speak on the subject of Core Stability. Joanne argued that "core stability" is often not subject to adequate clinical reasoning, leading to overly simplistic and non specific programmes which promise much and under-deliver on results. She called for sports medicine professionals to look more deeply at the evidence, evaluating the motivations and background of research authors, and questioning whether the current approach is really restoring normal movement.

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Joanne at PhysioFirst National Conference 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

The end of April saw Joanne as busy as ever, this time lecturing at the prominent national conference for PhysioFirst, the organisation of private physiotherapy practitioners in the UK.

The conference theme was the cervical spine, and Joanne took a packed audience through the experience of being an elite slalom kayak paddler, a violinist, a judo athlete and an organ player as she illustrated the technical and biomechanical reasons for neck pain in certain patients.

Due to the ash cloud, Joanne stepped in with an additional lecture on shoulder assessment and rehabilitation to fill the space unfortunately left by Australian speaker Michelle Sterling, who was unable to make it due to the flight disruptions. The audience did a great job participating as Joanne led them through an exploration of muscles and movements to explore a range of sensory and mechanical effects on the shoulder.

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Melissa Reid wins!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Great news from the weekend as golfer Mel Reid has brought home her first professional win at the Turkish Ladies Open in Antalya.

Having come second in pro tournaments four times, Mel has been knocking on the door since turning professional in 2008, so she is very happy to be holding the trophy this time.

Joanne began her work with Mel in 2007 as Head of Performance Movement in Sir Clive Woodward's British Olympic Association project.

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Independent Ballet Wales -- the "genesis of positive changes"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

In support of Performing Arts in Wales, Joanne and Kent contributed their time in a combined workshop on technique and health for the dancers of Independent Ballet Wales this week.

Education Officer for Independent Ballet Wales, Amy Doughty, has followed up on the principles explored by Joanne with the dancers, and she has reported back to us that the dancers are more relaxed as a result of the new movement work. They are also more confident about injury management after Kent's discussion on the topic, so it was, as Amy tells us " a great result all round".

Elphinston Performance chose to support Independent Ballet Wales in response to their tireless commitment to making creative works of classical ballet accessible to the entire community, and for their dedication to developing dance and dancers in South Wales.

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Mel Reid off to Q-School in the US

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

After a top 16 finish in the Women's Australian Open at Melbourne's Commonwealth Club in March 2010, Mel Reid is now off to the USA to gain LPGA qualification.

In pursuit of excellence, Mel is certain that her future lies in the US, which she says is "where the big girls are". We wish her luck!

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Chemmy Alcott at the Winter Olympics

Monday, February 22, 2010

Finishing 13th in a Downhill competition littered with spectacular falls, Chemmy is still to contest the GS and slalom events.

Chemmy has worked incredibly hard since we first met two years ago to start our part of her programme, and with the committed support of coach Mark Tiltson, she has done everything possible to push her limits in Vancouver. Best of luck to Chemmy for this week.

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Kent at the Victorian College of Arts, Melbourne, Australia

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At the invitation of Vice Principal Hilary Bland, Kent and Joanne spent a December morning at the VCA introducing the concept of being "Healthy Musicians" to students and their teachers.

Kent gave a great presentation to the students and made them think about themselves and their bodies in a completely new and different way, highlighting healthy behaviours to prevent injuries, decrease nerves and improve concentration.

Ms Bland has since reported that there has been a really positive response from students and teachers, who started to implement simple but effective changes straight away. Well done, everyone!

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Joanne on Sporting Movement at RMIT

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In November, Joanne brought her approach to sporting movement to Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology at the invitation of Australian Rugby and former Australian Olympic Head of Soft Tissue Therapies, Robert Granter.

Rob, a senior lecturer at RMIT and Director of the Australasian College of Soft Tissue Therapies, organised the course which was attended by a talented and experienced group of sports medicine professionals from several Australian states. From classical sword play to elite tennis, athletics to football, the group had incredibly diverse backgrounds which provoked plenty of great discussion on applied movement, assessment and sports relevance.

Joanne is looking forward to hearing how everyone has applied the course material when they come back together for Part 2 in March.

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Getting Physical with Musicians

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kent has been back at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, working with young musicians as part of a Musician's Health seminar.

Several years ago, we noticed that more young musicians were coming for physiotherapy as a result of injury. Through a combination of the culture of music, which often favours long hours of practice, and what appears to be a reduction in general strength, fitness and self management skills in these developing musicians, the rate of injury was increasing.

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama has been committed ever since to increasing the education of their students in self management and injury prevention through workshops of this kind, and after a successful presentation from Joanne in 2005, the Musician's Benevolent Fund has been brilliant in coming on board with support also. Elphinston Performance is pleased to be a regular part of this ongoing initiative to keep musicians playing!

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Great Kayak Result at the US Championships

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Florida based EP client Jack Lincke, 64, has won the 5000m and K2 500m in his age group at the US Canoe and Kayak Championships.

Having spent several years working with the British Canoe Union, Joanne has enjoyed getting back down to sprint kayak specific self testing and training with Jack, using her book, "Stability, Sport and Performance Movement" as a foundation for consultancy via the internet.

A retired professor of Physical Education and Athletics, Jack is incredibly committed to meeting his potential as a Masters athlete, and we're pleased to support him in this endeavour!

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Junior Golf success!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our youngest athlete, budding golf star Grace Connelly, has had a great summer in the Under 8 category, achieving 15th in the World Kids Golf Championships held in the USA, and second in the British Championships.

A great start for an athlete who just loves her sport!

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Kent on Exercise for Children

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kent has been in London this month lecturing as part of a two day seminar investigating different methods for training and rehabilitating children.

Hosted by Mile End Hospital, this seminar was a great opportunity for Paediatric physiotherapists to experience a range of approaches, including four hours with Kent learning "Get On The Ball" techniques for a wide range of paediatric presentations.

Learning through fun and experience hit the right note in Kent's session as seminar participants had their eyes opened to simple, effective but motivating ways to work with children.

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June 2008 Joanne at the Lawn Tennis Association National Conference

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joanne was invited to lecture at the 2008 LTA National Sport Science and Medicine Conference in London prior to Wimbledon. Her subject was the movement disorders which lead to conditions in the lumbar spine in tennis players, and the structure of rehabilitation programmes to overcome these problems. The lecture went down well with excellent questions and feedback from the well informed audience of professionals working with tennis players at all levels.

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Stability, Sport and Performance Movement: Great Technique Without Injury

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joanne coined the term Performance Movement when looking for a descriptive title for her work on Sir Clive Woodward's Coaching Olympic Gold programme for the British Olympic Association.

Her new book, Stability, Sport and Performance Movement is written to provide a bridge between the athlete, the coach, the sports scientist and the sports medicine professional, and it is rapidly gaining praise in reviews from the fitness industry, osteopaths, chiropractors, Pilates instructors and athletes.

The book was originally commissioned by the publishing division of the Swedish Sports Federation and existed only in Swedish for the first few years of its life, but it has now made it not only into English, but also shortly to appear in Japanese translation.

A few quotes from readers and reviewers:

"It is the most coherent, accessible and largely jargon-free text on this subject that I've seen. This book is a must read for anyone who is serious about reaching their athletic potential."

"I have worked as a personal trainer for 10 years and a physiotherapist for 4 of them,and I found this book a brilliant read. I wish I had this book years ago; it would have saved me a lot of time and money."
—Federation of Holistic Therapists Magazine

"No other books around that cover the subject of movement/performance analysis and give easy to follow progressions for all exercises."

"This is a must read text and was a pleasure to review. "

"It has changed my way of thinking and has improved the performance of my clients."

"[A]n indispensible resource for the pursuit of optimal athletic performance and the promotion of effective movement and efficiency whatever the level of activity and sport concerned."

Thanks everyone for your kind words!

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Kent completes Somatic Experiencing training

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kent is among the first of the professionals in the UK to complete the gruelling three year training in Somatic Experiencing.

Originating in the USA in order to treat post traumatic stress disorder, Somatic Experiencing techniques can be used to address the debilitating effects of trauma or intense stress and can be applied to a wide variety of issues.

These include performance anxiety and pre-presentation stress, the effects of accidents or attacks, and trauma which has been carried from childhood into adult life.

The skills that Kent has developed have already proven invaluable in the clinic with people ranging from whiplash victims and chronic pain patients to injured athletes, horse riders and young musicians, helping them to recover from unwanted and distressing physical symptoms.

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Movement ART in Stockholm

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In partnership with Elite Coaching Sweden, Joanne has implemented a new three part intensive course for personal trainers and fitness professionals in Sweden.

The course is for those who aspire to deliver really insightful, personalised and individualised training to their clients. Elphinston Performance tutor Jackie Zaslona is a key presenter of this new course which addresses postural and movement efficiency development.

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Welsh Golfing Union National Conference

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

At the invitation of top amateur golfer Nigel Edwards, who is also director of player development for Wales, Joanne headed to the Celtic Manor Resort to present to golf professionals on movement screening and its relationship to technical development.

Along with Sir Clive Woodward, with whom Joanne has worked on the British Olympic Association Coaching Olympic Gold project, Joanne appeared as part of an excellent programme which focused on the role of sport science in modern golf.

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Moving Well in Glasgow: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Sports Conference 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An invitation to speak at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow Sports Medicine Symposium saw Joanne winging her way up to the Hampden Stadium to speak on Transference Failure of Stability Programmes to Sporting Function.

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Strength and Power in Gothenburg January 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Roland Thomee, one of Sweden's most respected authorities on strength and power in rehabilitation hatched a dynamic concept for a conference on strength and power by pulling together three approaches in practical formats to see if conflict or consensus would be reached!

As one of the three main presenters, Joanne took six groups over the three days, looking at how body positioning and movement sequencing could affect power.

In the final wrap up, despite the great differences in approach that they had been exposed to, the participants responded that they had managed to appreciate each component as a piece in a puzzle that fitted together to make the full picture -- a fantastic outcome.

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Swedish National Football Conference January 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joanne made her way to Stockholm to present a full day's course at the National Conference of Physiotherapists in Swedish football.

The course was packed to the rafters in the National Sports Centre, Boson, and assisted by Elphinston Performance tutor Jackie Zaslona, Joanne put the participants through their paces as they learned movement tests that apply to footballers at all ages and levels.

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Moving Well in Melbourne

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rob Granter of the Australasian College of Soft Tissue Therapies drew together a great group of coaches, physiotherapists and sports scientists at Melbourne University to work with Joanne as she shared her approach to movement efficiency, analysis and training.

All who attended and worked bodies and minds in the pursuit of understanding movement for their particular sports.

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England Golf Conference 2008

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Many thanks to Lynn Booth and the England Golfing Union for their invitation for Joanne and Kent to come and present an interactive workshop for physiotherapists, coaches and trainers working in golf as part of their National Conference in December 2008.

It was a highly practical exploration of mobility around the stable axis for golfers, and everyone threw themselves fully into the practical assessments and exercises to achieve full benefit.

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Snowsport in Ostersund

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Joanne spent an exhilarating day in Ostersund at the invitation of the Swedish Snowsport Research Centre, looking at the sophisticated training set up for the National Biathlon and Cross Country Ski teams and discussing technical movement elements which could influence performance.

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Joanne at The Orange

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Orange is one of Stockholm's unique dance education facilities, and Joanne spent a great day working with a highly motivated group of Swedish and Norwegian trainers and rehabilitation professionals on movement analysis.

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Joanne at the Reading Shoulder Conference 2008

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Many shoulder problems arise from the way in which the whole body manages forces, and this was the subject of Joanne's lecture at the Reading Shoulder conference 2008.

Joanne presented at this conference in 2004, and was delighted to be invited back to share the approaches she has developed in assessing global body movement for its effect on the shoulder.

Many thanks to the organisers, fellow speakers and audience for a great day.

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University of East London Physio Undergraduates Get On The Ball

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Elphinston Performance tutor Judy Spryke introduced students at University of East London to a whole new way of considering patients with chronic pain.

Joanne's Get On The Ball approach to understanding movement dysfunction from a holistic perspective really lit up the students, according to course coordinator Cindy Gaimster. "They've been referring to it in their essays ever since", she said. Plans are being made to expand on this successful experience at UEL.

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