
After being really poorly the beginning of last year, (Doctors, specialists, many, many tests) and still not knowing what was wrong with me, my husband said why don't you go and see Joanne or Kent? I came to see Kent and it was the best thing I've ever done.  My main problems were head pain and stroke-like symptoms. Kent when through my history of illness, looked at my posture, joints and movement, and a few weeks later with treatment …¿no headaches!  I feel great, and I have a new lease of life. Thank you, Kent.

Caroline Hill
Bridgend, South Wales

When I had my first assessment I couldn't remember what it was like to play without groin pain. After several hours of functional testing and video analysis, Joanne identified my patterning issues and started me on a programme of exercises to relax muscles I shouldn't be using and fire the ones I should.
After a couple of weeks I started to notice an improvement. The most important thing was that I committed 100% to Joanne’s regime which she matched every step of the way. Without this I would not have achieved the end result of being pain free and back competing flat out.

Joanne has a great understanding of body mechanics and patterning, together with the ability to explain the exercises so you can feel the difference between right and wrong.

I came out of this experience not only fully fit but with a better understanding of how my body works and how to maintain it.

Matthew Upson
West Ham United and England Football

I came to Elphinston Performance, having consulted a number of practitioners with disabling back pain. I have found them to be thorough, holistic and professional with demonstrable results and am happy to make a 3 hour round trip to them for treatment. I have no hesitation in recommending Elphinston Performance as a first class provider of physiotherapy services.

Jo Rees-Wigmore
Pembrokeshire County Council, West Wales

I do not think it is over dramatic to say that once you have had an injury, and seen the Doctor and the Specialist, you feel there is nobody else to turn to. Then to be assessed and treated by Joanne and Kent, it is like being given a second chance to continue sport when it seemed to be the end of line.  

Ray Hill
Bridgend, South Wales

Understanding stability and pelvic control has changed the way I lift.  I am now so much stronger and more powerful because I am using the correct muscles.  Would I have been Commonwealth Champion without your help and persistence?  Certainly not.  Cheers Jo.

Michaela Breeze
Olympic Weight Lifting Gold Medallist Commonwealth Games 2002 and 2006

Keeping dancers fit and able to perform is vital for Diversions. As Artistic Director of the National Dance Company of Wales, I have high expectations of the dancers. Injury prevention and treatment, with rehabilitation and fitness training are therefore vital to Diversions success. Elphinston Performance has enabled Diversions dancers to perform consistently at their best since 2002 and is continuing to do so.

Ann Sholem
Artistic Director, National Dance Company of Wales (formerly Diversions)

Kent Fyrth and Joanne Elphinston support and enhance the work of performing artists with a balanced and intelligent approach, encouraging a healthy balance of all the elements required for successful performance.

Kevin Price
Head of Brass, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Cardiff

I saw loads of people over a 2 year period and they all tried core stability to help me recover from a back and neck problem, but nothing really changed until I met Joanne. She really knows her stuff! She has literally given me my life back!! Not only has she got me back to being pain free on a daily basis but I am now competing again in my chosen sport of rowing.

In addition to sorting out my messed up body in just three half hour sessions she has also inspired me to pursue the same career and I am now in my 3rd year of physiotherapy degree. I am a huge believer in stability training but wasted 2 years doing it badly and not improving much. I am sure that any book that Joanne will put together will be invaluable to both athletes and physiotherapists alike!

Alex Tremellen
elite rower, Nottingham

 Kent was fantastic! All LTA Coaches would benefit greatly by attending an Elphinston Performance Swiss Ball Training course and therefore pass on all that knowledge to their pupils

The session at Aldershot Tennis Centre was packed full of useful information to help make young tennis players become more agile, balanced and co-ordinated.

Clive Asprey
Manager Aldershot Tennis Centre

John Bozas
LTA Coach of the year 2004 –Coach to World Paralympics Gold Medalist 2004

Nick could not possibly have achieved this without your constant guidance. The work he has done with you both is what set him apart from his opponents.

Howard Jones
coach of Nick Jones, 2006 U14 British Tennis Champion

With Joanne's help, I've felt things coming back. It's like skiing in colour now as opposed to black and white!

Chemmy Alcott
Britain’s No. 1 World Cup Skier

Kent and Joanne have both taught me a huge amount about the importance of physical fitness for the musician.  Having first gone to Joanne as an injured cellist who had been playing up to 10 hours a day but doing no exercise that counterbalanced the muscles I was using, I now swim and practice yoga regularly.  I am also much more in tune with how posture and technical habits affect pain and my ability to play the cello. 

My injury had already become a long-term problem by the time I saw Joanne, but I feel I have definitely learnt many vital principles of well-being and have become a better cellist as a result of the things that I have learnt.  I also feel like a fitter person and I am now much more able to question and alter my own postural habits. 

Kent and Joanne have, too, been wonderful at helping me cope with the mental stress of having to put performance on hold; treatment is given in a way that is both practical and emotionally sensitive.  I recommend Kent and Joanne for the help they can give to suffering musicians, and treatment should be sought with no delay if any performance-related pain is bothering you.

Ailsa Hughes
cellist, Cardiff

Hi Joanne

I just wanted to say thank you for all the help, support and input that you have given me over the last year. I do feel that I was a better athlete going into the Beijing Games than at any time before and I am sure that the work I have done with you was certainly a factor in this.

Euan Burton
Judo European Silver Medallist 2007

As a ballet company we often have the need for physiotherapy treatment for the dancers of Independent Ballet Wales.

In an industry which requires the body to perform at peak physical condition, night after night, it really does take a physiotherapist of exceptional skill, knowledge, understanding and insight to ensure that this remains so.

Kent’s hands-on approach to physiotherapy, without the aid of machines, is really what continues to meet the physical demands placed on our dancers.  His manner and approach is very calming and his understanding of the tolls that any kind of performance makes on the body is something of great value to us. All of us at Independent Ballet Wales have come to rely on and trust Kent’s judgement and treatment, and by giving the dancers the understanding of how injuries occurred, how they can be treated, and what the dancers can do to continue injury and pain free is a huge asset to us.

We are very fortunate to have someone of Kent’s calibre very near to us in Wales.

Darius James
Artistic Director, Independent Ballet Wales

Working with Joanne Elphinston since 2001 has had an extremely positive effect on my career. I was in a position of excruciating pain in my lower back - Joanne's expertise completely changed my physical condition for the better and was one of the components of my success. Joanne is the consummate professional, has a great manner and her knowledge and deliver is of the highest quality.

Nigel Edwards
top amateur golfer and four time Walker Cup team member; Director of Player Development & Coaching, Welsh Golfing Union

Kent has been our first team physiotherapist for our last 6 European
tournaments. These tournaments involve four first class games in as many days and as such are very physically demanding. How Kent manages, single handedly, to keep my 18 man squad fit to play is nothing short of miraculous!

Steve Darwent
Chairman & 1st Team Manager, Cardiff & UWIC Hockey Club

Hi Joanne

Everything is going fantastic for me at the moment and I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. Just want to thank you for your help. That really got me back on track. You deserve recommendation for what you do.

Dean Bowditch
Striker, Ipswich Town FC

Joanne’s analysis of the skills we needed in flatwater kayak, her training of our coaches, introduction of assessments for problem areas in individual athletes, and specific exercise programme to rectify and maintain excellent functional stability in our athletes has been outstandingly valuable to our coaches.

It has changed the culture of our coaches, and has led to a vastly greater understanding of the holistic process of developing sport skills.

Joanne’s programme has been directly and indirectly responsible for improved performance at all levels of the sport up to Olympic athletes.

Graham Campbell
National Development Coach, British Canoe Union.

Due to an historical failed ACL re construction and cartilage problems on my knee, I have been unfortunate to have spent the last 18 years on surgeon’s tables & around numerous physios. Having persistent knee problems has also forced other areas of my body to over compensate over the years, causing other problems elsewhere.

During the first session with Joanne, she conducted a complete body analysis through various exercises and movements. Here she noticed my lack of body control, mobility and stability in addition to my knee problems.

Over the last year the techniques and methods Joanne & Kent have applied have helped to rectify my core stability and control and I have made huge strides in improving my knee. I will keep my relationship with Joanne & Kent so that I can continue to improve my movement quality and maintain my strength & mobility in my knee.

I personally recommend anyone with any movement or core stability problems to visit Joanne and Kent. I'm positive that if I had seen them 18 years ago, I would have been back playing sport to a reasonable level.

Paul Witchell

Joanne Elphinston's profoundly holistic philosophy on movement analysis and correction is incomparably inspiring. She has so beautifully "humanised" human movement.

This seminar has redefined my understanding of patient assessment and has thus reshaped my future as a myotherapist and as a people watcher.

Course Participant
Melbourne 2008

Working with Joanne has enabled me to optimise my performance as a professional contemporary dancer. Joanne has helped me expand the physical possibilities of my body by providing effective exercises addressing my specific individual needs. These results have also been greatly enhanced by Joanne's commitment to the person behind the professional. Through addressing personal issues that were blocking my performance Joanne has given me the pathways to access exciting new physical and artistic possibilities through the freedom she has helped me to create in my daily life.

Lee Johnson
professional dancer, National Dance Company of Wales.

Having played football from the age of 8 and professionally for 17 years, my body has had to absorb a lot of impact. I received a serious injury at the age of 16 which nearly ended my career (fracture & dislocation of lower right leg/ankle) and sidelined me for 14 months.

Having recovered from that I wasn't aware of the consequences it would reveal later on in my career. Only 2 years ago I had a reccurring chronic groin problem resulting in 4 operations. This was obviously a very upsetting and frustrating time. It was only after consulting with Joanne Elphinston that I was able to understand the reasons behind the problem. Joanne discovered that my body was totally unbalanced down my right side following my original injury at 16 and I was overcompensating in other areas which over the years had caused strain and weakness and therefore injuries - it made so much sense!

I am so grateful for Joanne's guidance and expertise, I am now stronger and fitter than ever, have learned to understand how my body feels and can use techniques to keep in balance thus preventing future injury.

My only wish is that I had been introduced to Joanne 10 years ago as I know that many of my injuries would have been prevented.

Riccardo Scimeca
Aston Villa 1991 -1999, Nottingham Forest 1999 - 2003, Leicester City 2003 - 2004
West Bromwich Albion 2004 -2006, Cardiff City 2006 -present

As Head Physiotherapist for Welsh Netball for nine years, Kent worked with all age groups and travelled extensively with the teams to international events all over the world. His work  integrated into the entire training structure beyond his “hands on‿role, as he guided the Physio team on profiling and injury data collation, and utilised this information to impact on training by educating coaches and players on injury prevention, recovery and self management. His knowledge of our sport has made him an invaluable part of all squad management groups particularly at senior level where he earned the absolute respect of all of the national team players.

Sue Holvey
Chief Executive, Welsh Netball.

Joanne's ability to identify key biomechanical areas for an athlete to develop is an exceptional talent, however it is the following application of very specific correctional and developmental training and exercises that is irreplaceable.

Joanne works outwards from the sport specific needs of the athlete. Working closely with other support staff, she is always conscious of the athlete's needs with regards to their sport and ensuring that her work integrates and links with all physical, technical and psychological elements of the athletes training.

The result is that the athlete can work on specific movement, alignment and body awareness with very high levels of understanding and continual concentration which applies directly to their sport and therefore ensures excellent transfer and retention.

Mark Tilston
British Ski Team Head Coach